Thursday, 31 March 2011

Successful Sponsorship!

I absolutely love colour and experimenting with different techniques! So, I was extremely excited that after applying for sponsorship, I was lucky enough to received some from the brilliant Colourist!

Colourist produce fabric transfer paints. I love to use them within my work to create bold backgrounds and combine with screen printing. The images above show the colours I chose which I am experimenting with in my FMP.

+44 (0)1488 686866

Pretty Flowers!

For my birthday I also received this lovely bunch of flowers which are now in full bloom!

Busy Busy Busy and Its Nearly Easter!

Nearly Easter and I have one week left for sampling! Been abit poorly but feeling better now! I really have no time to be ill! Not at all! This week I entered the Biddle Sawyers Silk competition and received a £10 voucher to spend in their shop for entering. However, I also did manage to slash my screen which wasn't good at all! Never mind must keep going!

Baby Pictures! You Have to Love Them!

Just got out some old photographs of me as a child for Uni. They are putting together a group picture of us all but with a twist in which we have all been bringing them in this week! It's been very funny but everyone looks so cute! The clothes are especially amazing!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

A Nice Treat!

This was a yummy breakfast treat my boyfriend did for me on my birthday! It tasted great! I love pancakes!

It Was My Birthday :)

So yesterday it was my birthday and it was such a lovely day apart from I came down with a really big cold! So now I'm suffering today.. however I still must plod on as it will soon be easter in no time! Here is a card I received which is lovely! It was hand made by my friend Beverly Parish who's on my course with me! Check out her work here-

Sunday, 20 March 2011

A Close Friend of Mine I'm Very Proud of!

I am very proud of my friend Lucy Hutchinson, so thought I would do a nice little blog post about her work!
Lucy is a second year BA(Hons) Photography course at Cleveland College of Art and Design. Over the past year she has been independently working as a freelance retoucher specialising in fashion and editorial imagery.

Most recently she has had work featured in SHE and Look Magazine and she has just finished working on the in-store campaign for USC.

I find her work so beautiful and thought I would share it with you.....

This then shows the image after retouching!

And this is what the image looked like before!


Friday, 18 March 2011


These are some of my sampling for one of my designs. It was inspired to have a baroque feel and to look like it would be part of a wall with the mirror image in its centre. I have really loved sampling with this design, especially with the flock!

I Love The Print Room.... But Sometimes Its Like I live there!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Its Getting Late!

For some reason, even though I have been having long days I manage to keep going when I get home. Thats why I am blogging so late at night! Here, is a pen drawing used to test experimental colour for a painted out design. I love working with a biro- it is the most simplest item but I love the detail I can achieve with it!

Print Rooms Are Getting Busy Busy Busy....

This is a picture of me and the girls at work on a very long 12 hour day at uni! We have spread out a little but at the moment as we can do this! But.... In a few weeks I expect it will be limited space and we will be fighting for a good spot! I do love printing! And above are some little pics I took whilst at work!

I LOVE MY BAY! (Yes, this deserves capitals)

I LOVE my work bay! and as your can see its got alot busier from my last photo! I will miss this as I always do at the end of term! but my second love is my huge table at home! Lets just say I like to spread out! I think this is always a good thing though and it more inspirational to have all your favourite bits and bobs around you!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Please Help Me!

Hello again, to try generate some support towards my trip I have created this page to get some fundraising towards my Africa experience! Take a look I Really Really! Hope you can help :) Thanks Everyone :)

P.s here is a silly pic of me to entertain you!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Adventures Awaits....

So as some of you may now know. Me and the Miss Anni Cranston have chosen to spend part of our summer volunteering in the lovely Africa! It is very exciting but still many months away! We are going over to do teaching in the schools and think it will definitely be an amazing experience! Although I'm not sure how good we will be at teaching... Rather nervous about this! I will keep you posted about any more news :) bye for now!